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Heritage Brought Alive
18 March 2019

On Friday 15 March Gedling Borough Council launched their “Heritage Brought Alive Project” at Gedling County Park. The event included the launch of a new 80 page book written by volunteers, including our own Keith Stone, and compiled and edited by Dr Stephen Walker, of Friends of Moor Pond Wood. It is the first ever publication to talk about the heritage of the whole of Gedling borough. It contains information on local communities and historical sites such as Newstead Abbey, Papplewick Pumping Station and, of course, our Bestwood Winding Engine.
The project was made possible thanks to a £74,900 grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund and the work of volunteers over the last 15 months.
A short video accompanies the book and can be viewed here.
The project was made possible thanks to a £74,900 grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund and the work of volunteers over the last 15 months.
A short video accompanies the book and can be viewed here.
In The Meadow We Will Build...
10 March 2019
There was a flurry of snow in the park last night and looking out on the light dusting you might be forgiven for being disappointed. No chance of skiing, sledging, having a snowball fight or building a snow man - or maybe you could... Check out what someone managed to create from the thin layer of snow available. This image turned up on BBC Weather Watchers today - so the impossible was possible.
Playground Update
1 March 2019
The great news is that we have been formally awarded the grant of £50,000 from WREN - a not-for-profit business that awards grants for community, biodiversity and heritage projects from funds donated by FCC Environment through the Landfill Communities Fund. This means, along with the money from fund-raising, we can now afford to have the new Adventure Playground built.

However, before building can start we had to address a Health & Safety issue with a large sweet chestnut tree situated close to the playground area. Every year the tree would produce hundreds of spiky sweet chestnut seed cases, which would fall directly into the playground posing a risk to children playing who may sustain an injury from falling on them. A decision was taken that removal of the tree prior to the building of the new playground would be the best option.
Rob Wombwell (GBC ranger) & Dave Southward (GBC warden) undertook the felling work themselves, then invited Bolsover Woodland Enterprise in to process the felled timber. BWE is a social enterprise providing work experience & training in conservation & woodland management for adults with a learning disability. They brought their planking machine on site & planked the timber – they will now use it to make benches & other furniture to sell to support their enterprise.
Watch out for further updates over the next few months & the whole project will hopefully be completed by the summer. Meanwhile check out the tree felling photos in the gallery.
Rob Wombwell (GBC ranger) & Dave Southward (GBC warden) undertook the felling work themselves, then invited Bolsover Woodland Enterprise in to process the felled timber. BWE is a social enterprise providing work experience & training in conservation & woodland management for adults with a learning disability. They brought their planking machine on site & planked the timber – they will now use it to make benches & other furniture to sell to support their enterprise.
Watch out for further updates over the next few months & the whole project will hopefully be completed by the summer. Meanwhile check out the tree felling photos in the gallery.
Record Figures
28 February 2019

The unseasonally sunny weather we have experienced this month has brought lots of people out into the park. Dog walkers, families, Nordic walkers, horse riders, bird watchers and those just looking for a nice cup of coffee and a cake have been visiting the park and popping into the Dynamo House Café on Saturdays. We have had record takings for several weeks which is great news for the projects that we support in and around the park, such as winter bird food, benches and picnic tables as all the profits are used to fund these. We have also been supporting the Andy's Adventure Playground Appeal but since receiving the news that we have been awarded the grant from WREN we have put the café profits back into our regular funds.
Lost Keys
4 February 2019
We've been contacted by someone who lost a set of keys whilst walking his dogs in BCP on 2nd February. There was a car key and several other keys. One of the door keys had a light blue cover on the key. He was walking from the Dunvegan Drive Rise Park entrance past Bigwood/Oakwood school and returning back to the Dunvegan entrance. There's a £10 reward for anyone finding the keys - please get in touch if you find them via out Contact form.
Cold Snap
27 January 2019
In the middle of January the weather surprised us with some sub-zero overnight temperatures which were followed by bright sunny days. These were just ideal conditions for keen local photographers to get snapping in Bestwood Country Park. The resulting dramatic images are in our gallery. If you have any recent interesting, unusual or generally beautiful photos taken in the park please email them to us at [email protected].
Runners Pass Milestone
25 January 2019

On Saturday 26 January the Bestwood Village Park Run will be celebrating their 2 year anniversary. This is likely to mean a higher number of runners than normal so do take care if you are passing the Park Road entrance between 8.30am & 9.45am on Saturday. If you are planning to run the 5km around our beautiful park please try to park sensibly and safely. You will be rewarded for your efforts with biscuits and cakes at the end of the race. Good luck on those hills!
Outside Catering
12 January 2019

Yesterday the Dynamo House Café supplied the outside catering at the annual gathering of the Nottinghamshire Biodiversity Action Group (NottsBAG). The event, held at Brackenhurst Campus of the Nottingham Trent University, offers a chance for representative of groups associated with environmental & biodiversity improvement to get together and hear talks and exchange information in this field. This year the day also included a field trip around the Southwell area to see improvement schemes on the ground. The Dynamo House Café provided morning and afternoon refreshment with drinks & biscuits and a lunchtime treat of cakes. A big thank you goes out to all our amazing bakers who provided a great selection of home-made cakes & biscuits, even providing vegan options to support those attempting "Veganuary". A few doggy bags were given out at the end of the day and everyone seemed to go home happy. The participants were very generous with their donations and all profits will go towards improving Bestwood Country Park, so it really is a win:win partnership.
Volunteering Opportunities
2 January 2019
Sue McDonald, the Community Liaison Officer for Notts County Council, is setting up a new volunteer group to carry out work locally. The work will focus on habitat improvement to increase biodiversity at a site known as The Linby Trail. The first meeting will be on 23 January but from then on the group will run on the first Wednesday of each month; (6th Feb, 6th Mar, 3rd April). If you would like to be involved please contact Sue by 4pm on the Monday before each event.
Phone: 0115 927 3674 or 07971 328 105
email: [email protected]
Phone: 0115 927 3674 or 07971 328 105
email: [email protected]
New Year Resolutions
1 January 2019
OK, so you made a new year resolution to get fit, or to learn more about your local area, or to meet new people, or to save money, or to improve the wonderful natural environment. All these can be achieved by getting out into your local park. A walk, run or ride around the park is not only good for you, it is free. You can meet new people there by getting involved in a volunteer group doing work in the park like gardening, litter picking, engineering, tour guiding or even baking & serving cakes. Make sure you make the most of this amazing asset on your doorstep - don't miss out on the chance to have a great 2019!
Season's Greetings
19 December 2018
The Friends of Bestwood Country Park would like to wish all our members, supporters, friends and visitors a very happy Christmas. Please come and enjoy the park in the coming days as it can be at its most beautiful in its winter coat. The Dynamo House Café will be open every Saturday throughout the winter and there are additional opening days on Boxing Day and New Year's Day. See you there.
Christmas Cheer
14 December 2018
Last night the Christmas party was held at Emmanuel Church to say a big thank you to all the various volunteer groups that help out in the park. Funding was unavailable from the County Council this year but the FoBCP stepped in to make sure a good evening was had by all. Some photos of the night are in the gallery.
11 December 2018
We have just been notified that our bid to WREN for £50,000 of funding to restore the adventure playground has been successful. This means that, along with the funds already raised by your efforts and donations, we now have enough money in the pot to make the playground a place to come and have an amazing adventure. It looks like 2019 will be a landmark year for the park with the new Andy's Adventure Playground at its heart.Thank you to all involved in the fund-raising and the bid.
Dark December Days
4 December 2018

After last night's first serious frost of the season the Winding Engine House was looking splendid in the morning sunshine. This image, captured by local photographer Tamsyn Cheetham, illustrates the grandeur of the industrial buildings and shows how they now nestle within their beautiful rural setting. More in the gallery. If you capture pictures of the park on your next visit please send them through to us on an email to [email protected].
Peter & The Pupils
28 November 2018

On 27 November the first class of children came to the Winding Engine House to meet Peter the Pit Pony. A class of 3 and 4 year old girls and boys from Hawthorne Primary School came along and took part in an interactive story telling session run by Laura and Jackie to test out the timings and the effectiveness of the materials.
From the feedback we have had the children and teachers loved meeting Peter and exploring their local history. We have a few more photos in the gallery.
If you would like to meet Peter please get in touch with us, or for a self-guided tour pick up a booklet from the Dynamo House at just £3.
From the feedback we have had the children and teachers loved meeting Peter and exploring their local history. We have a few more photos in the gallery.
If you would like to meet Peter please get in touch with us, or for a self-guided tour pick up a booklet from the Dynamo House at just £3.
Mystery Helpers
27 November 2018
We have been trying to track down a mystery couple called Ray & Sue who said they would like to add their names to the mailing list and help out with the Adventure Playground Appeal. However, we sadly took down their email address inaccurately & we can't get a message through to them about the rota. Are you that couple? If so please drop us an email using the contact form.
Meet Peter
23 November 2018
On sale now at the Dynamo House is a great children's story book. Peter the Pit Pony is a beautifully illustrated storybook and guided trail based on the history of Bestwood Country Park from the time it was a coal mine. You can read how Peter the Pit Pony helps young miner Bob find all his mining equipment, and then go on a trail to spot these mining items yourselves around the park. School groups and Early years groups can book a guided workshop to accompany the book and trail or you can use it as a self-guided resource. Be sure to pick up a copy next time you are at the Dynamo House - just £3 a copy. Read more about the ponies of Bestwood Colliery here.