The Mill Lakes
The mill lakes are an area of outstanding beauty and provide a variety of wildlife habitats. The lakes have a regular resident bird flock but are also visited by migrant species so it is not unusual to see various waders or overflying raptors as well as more exotic species of duck.
There is no parking available for the lakes but they are within easy walking distance of the Bestwood Village car park for the Country Park.
The lakes area is regularly used by walkers, cyclists, birdwatchers and dog walkers and is an ideal place to bring the family. It is possible to walk to Hucknall from the lakes or into the country park via a footbridge thereby avoiding the roads.
There is no fishing or swimming allowed in Mill Lakes. These rules are to protect the native wildlife from disturbance and it is for that reason that we also ask you to keep your dogs out of the water and under control at all times. There is a dog litter bin situated at the northern entrance to the park but we ask that wherever possible you take other litter home with you for disposal as bin capacity is limited.
For a map of the Mill Lakes click here.
Below are a few shots of the Mill Lakes but there are more in the gallery.