Meeting date for Darling Buds of May
In partnership with
Useful Contact Details
Bestwood Country Park Ranger via the Notts County Council Customer Services Team on 0300 500 8080
Please report any overflowing bins directly to Gedling Borough Council – 0115 9013901. Gedling Borough Council out of hours number 0800 0960306 Who are we? The Friends of Bestwood Country Park was formed in late 2007 and focuses its activities a few miles north of Nottingham in Bestwood Country Park.
The group’s aim overall is to promote the interests of our big beautiful park, its habitats and flora and fauna as well as its many human visitors and its historic buildings, and to serve as an active means of communication and co-operation between all users. The group meets most months, you can check out what goes on at the meetings page. We are always looking for new members to join us and everyone is welcome to come along to the meetings. If you think you would be interested in coming along please use the contact us form to let us have your details. What do we actually do? There are several strands to the group of people interested in the park so it is not all about meetings! If you like baking or serving coffee and cake you might want to join our Dynamo House Cafe volunteers. If you’re into engineering, you might be interested in joining the Winding Engine House volunteers. If you’re into practical conservation, there are conservation groups that meet on certain weekdays to help the rangers with their work. No experience necessary and tools will be provided.
To find out more check out out volunteering page under the Events tab, or the What's On page. Useful Links Read the Richard the Ranger's blog - click here
Read Rob's blog - click here Bestwood Country Park Facebook account
Bestwood Country Park Flickr site Bestwood Village Park Run Bestwood Village WI Bestwood Village Wikipedia entry Greenwood Community Forest Friends of Newstead & Annesley Country Park Love Parks Nottinghamshire Biodiversity Action Group Nottinghamshire CC - Country Parks If you have images of the park you would like to add to our gallery please send them in to us using [email protected] You can discuss the format we need using the contact us form. Actually wanted Friends of Buchan Country Park, based in West Sussex? If so, click here:-